The Parowozownia Wolsztyn Award
The Award is issued by the Wolsztyn Amateur Radio Club SP3PWL
The purpose of the Award is to promote the Wolsztyn Locomotive Shed: , ;
The Award is available to amateur radio operators and SWL’s;
To obtain the Award, Polish operators must make one QSO/HRD with the Wolsztyn Club Station SP3PWL(mandatory) and three QSO’s/HRD’s with the following Club members: SP3HD, SP3BLK, SP3DWH, SP3GAD, SP3OSR, SP3RAO, SP3RBQ, SP3VPA, SQ3DVQ, SQ3JPV, SQ3REA, SQ3REB, SQ3SW, SP3IPA, SP3MK, SP3SRS, SQ3K, SP3QDM, SQ3M, SQ3SM, SQ3EVW, SP3IEG, SP3QKZ, SP6JBF, SQ3GJS, SP3TYF, SP3JHK, SP3EMA, SP3PW, SQ3IOE, SQ3GNG, SP3RP, SP3AA, SP3OLO, SQ3BW, DH2UAI, SP3TNT, SQ3XBD, SP3DZU, SO3QKZ, SP3DAT, SQ3PA and SP3ZHP i SP3MEM
Foreign stations: one QSO/HRD with SP3PWL and one with a Club member;
Any band, any mode;
QSO’s/HRD’s made from April 25 to May 5, 2025, will be valid;
The most active operator will be granted a surprise award;
The electronic (pdf) Award will be sent by e-mail free
Send your log extract to: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript., on before May 15, 2025.